Pancasila and Civic Education

In 2029 it will become a center for the development of Islamic education and learning in the field of Pancasila and Citizenship Education, to form a nation with strong character and a constitutional awareness towards civil society and provide a direction for change.


  1. Organizing teacher education in the field of Pancasila and Citizenship Education.
  2. Advancing science, technology and art as well as increasing human resources with strong character, so as to be able to solve national problems and provide professional education services towards civil society.
  3. Organizing education and training for scout extracurricular supervisors, Hizbul Wathan, School Safety Patrol, and Youth Red Cross.


  1. Producing teachers in the field of Pancasila and Citizenship Education who are professional, able to develop innovative learning and carry out Educational Research.
  2. To produce teachers who are able to master science, technology and art to support professionalism as teachers.
  3. To produce teachers with strong character in order to achieve national goals and ideals.
  4. Producing teachers who have the ability to foster extracurricular scouting, Hisbul Wathan, School Safety Patrol, and Youth Red Cross.

Study Program Specifications
