July 25, 2022. A total of 32 FKIP students from the community service program or International Partnership Education community service program, independent study at the independent campus of Muhammadiyah/Aisiyah universities were released directly by the Dean of FKIP UMS, Prof. Dr. Sutama, M.Pd

It is hoped that after participating in the Program initiated by the Association of Educational Institutions and Education Personnel (ALPTK) of Muhammadiyah/Aisiyah Higher Education (PTMA) in collaboration with Atdikbud RI in Malaysia, students can implement according to their fields. Able to excel in educational activities, writing articles, journals, or other achievements on an international scale. This program is very important to hone students’ soft skills and hard skills to face the challenges of a very dynamic future. The Dean of FKIP UMS continued.

FKIP UMS itself since a few years ago has routinely carried out internships and community service programoutside Java such as in Bangka Belitung, Makassar, Mataram, Palu and so on in collaboration with Muhammadiyah universities. Apart from outside Java, FKIP UMS also regularly sends students to Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and several other countries for internships at schools abroad.